

Sellerwix Academy Etsy

Sellerwix Academy handbook – Etsy’s purchase protection program for sellers

Etsy’s Purchase Protection program was built to ensure that buyers and sellers have a positive experience on Etsy. This page explains how the Purchase Protection program works, and the types of items and transactions subject to the program.

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Sellerwix Academy Etsy

Sellerwix Academy – Working with production partners on Etsy

A production partner is a company or individual (who’s not part of your Etsy shop) that helps physically produce items based on your own, original designs, such as a printing service, an apparel producer, an engraver, etc.

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Service & Supplier

Sellerwix to welcome its first fulfillment service in April – Sellerwix Prime

Sellerwix seizes on the opportunity to launch the first fulfillment service. We aim to support print providers and sellers who suppose to reach their customers quickly and increase sales capacity and business scale. The service is named Sellerwix Prime. Our customers and partners can start using this service from April 2023.

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